More than two dozen arrests and almost four years in jail.

Michael Molthan will be the first to tell you that some of us have to learn the hard way.

For the man who would eventually become host of the popular and acclaimed podcast M2 The Rock, that meant losing everything. Everything, from his successful business to his beautiful family. Finally broken beyond the capacity to lie his way out of trouble yet again, Molthan says he did what he’d never done before: rather than trying again to beat his problems by being “better”, he confronted the knowledge that he was utterly powerless before them.

And according to Michael, that’s when things changed.

Since then, Molthan’s life has taken a very different path. Not that he isn’t forced to fight the same battles, but he no longer faces them the same way. It’s an often harrowing story told through the music Michael listened to on the journey – and once you’ve heard it, you’ll hear every one of its songs a little differently than you’ve ever heard them before.

Here’s Episode 20 of “Dusty Attics”, with guests Michael Molthan.

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Learn more about Michael’s fiancé, Rachel Stacy
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