It is going to be a fun weekend.

This is the week of the legendary Greenville Avenue St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Festival, now celebrating its 40th year of utter insanity. If you’re new to Dallas-Fort Worth, forget about getting either a cab or an Uber on Saturday. They will all be busy in Uptown Dallas until early Sunday morning.

Naturally, you should make Jody Dean’s Saturday Night Special the soundtrack for all your activities – but sure’n we’ll also wrap up the city’s biggest party of the year and celebrate some St. Paddy’s shenanigans our ownselves. In fact, you can put in your requests and dedications for this weekend’s show right now, right here. Slainte!

Then at 11, it’s “Dusty Attics” – our weekly Saturday night record-listening party, where we get together with friends to talk about their favorite songs and why they love them. This week’s guest? The host of the KLUV Morning Show, Jeff Miles!



I mean, seriously. Look at the handsome devil. You’d think someone would have pointed out what that shift did to me.

Now that Jeff’s settled in back home here in his native Texas, it’s time to talk about his personal playlist – plus life away from radio, and a few stories from his years in it. So what does the guy who gets everyone to work listen to when he goes to work? Find out this weekend!

That’s the all-request and dedication Saturday Night Special starting at 7, followed by “Dusty Attics” at 11…this weekend on 98.7 KLUV