D’Andra Simmons Lock is living an adventure.

Besides starring as one of Bravo TV’s Real Housewives of Dallas, D’Andra and husband Jeremy are also building a life together – while she contends with the daily pressures of running a large company.

But this Dallas-native also has a well-known last name, the kind you’ll find carved above the doorways of public buildings. Coming from a prominent family brings expectations – and like most of us, there was also a period during which D’Andra chose Door #2.

Through all, Simmons has always pursued work in the community and philanthropy – and for awhile served in Washington DC. Now, when she’s not writing a new cookbook with her legendary mother, she and Jeremy are exploring new projects – and might just be found on the other side of the world bringing food and water to a remote village.

So, what were the songs that helped shape her journey? From our weekly record-listening party, here’s Episode 9 of “Dusty Attics” – with special guest, D’Andra Simmons Lock.

Learn more about Hard Night Good Morning
D’Andra’s website
D’Andra’s “Real Housewives of Dallas” page
Jeremy Lock’s website
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